Welcome to the Devoted Nutrition Blog
If you have ever heard of the transtheoretical model of change, let me tell you the contemplation stage is the longest stage. I’ve been contemplating starting this blog for a couple of years now. I guess my excuse was if I do it, I want to do it right. So here we are, I have a webpage, a private practice and now finally my very own blog.

I’ve always been fascinated with food & not the typical type of fascination, even from a very early age: I grew up having a phobia of food. The majority of my intake consisted of chocolate milk, never plain & only flavoured with Nesquick, cereal- weetbix or cocopops, teddybear biscuits & chicken wings. And to top it off, my worst nightmare is food poisoning, so food hygiene is always on my mind.
There are still some things that I just can't eat. yoghurt & custard - I think I’ve put it down to texture, all banana every thing, (if you eat a banana I can tell). I think I’ve only eaten a maximum of 10 bananas in my lifetime.
So why did I choose Dietetics? There is not a single reason that lead me to becoming a Dietitian but, rather a combination of experiences. The fact that I love educating others (always blabbering on about what I've learnt), my passion for health and well being & my overall fascination with food lead to the point, 7 years ago, where I decided to become an Accredited Praciticing Dietitian.
I’ve come along way since my food phobia from when I was younger, through being exposed to a variety of foods and persistently trying new flavours (with some peer pressure from my fiancé). As pictured here, I am now at the stage where I can try a teppanyaki prawn head (that has been cooked on a grill for a good 40mins) and take the tiniest of bites. The perks of being engaged to me is that you get all of my left overs (I always have leftover oysters).
Now, just to clarify, you won't find any fad diets, they're available by clicking [insert title of a sponsored post you saw on social media!]. What you will find is a good honest blog about a Dietitian & wholesome, healthly living. If that's what you're after, then you've stumbled across the right blog.